Those who feel for the small man against the doer do protest yet always find                                   themselves trapped in the doll maker's snare

After Eien Stone took it upon him to search for Akira; He informed Ruki that he'd found his dear friend, but he wasn't alive. With no idea what had happened to his childhood companion, Ruki grew somewhat depressed, but this was nothing new. But soon enough, it wasn't good enough to just know Akira was dead, he wanted to know how, and why.

While trying to dig up the answers he was seeking, hours turned to days but still he continued to search. Sleep was forgotten, it was the least of his worries. With desperation building, he'd found nothing, it was like Akira had just vanished off the face of the earth. Just as he figured he'd give up, the answers came to him.

One quiet night at the bar, with none of his friends around, Ruki decided to have a few drinks and be bored out of his mind. That was until a new scent was picked up, not alike anything he'd ever smelt before. And after this scent was found, it's owner made it's appearance.

He was feminine, but not too feminine. Slim, curved in the right places with a gorgeous face, but something about his eyes put the youthful creature off. They just...weren't right. But eyes or not, he was attractive and the werewolf was slowly on his way to being drunk.

It didn't take long at all, he was assaulted by promising words in a seductive voice with an accent much alike his own and found himself at the mercy of the elegant monster. It was then that the nameless man revealed his true nature. He'd simply taken Akira in the middle of the night while they slept, and kept him hostage in his home for months, along with many other young men and boys. He was a 'serial killer' according to the authorities, with more than a hundred kidnapping, rape and murders under his belt, known only as The Doll Maker.

Now he was aware of what was so out of place with this man's eyes, they held nothing but deceit and emptiness, they were the eyes of a true, utterly pyscotic mad-man. To this man, people were dolls, and only the perfect ones deserved to be owned by him. Their names were no more - He would give them a new name. Speaking their real name would result in 'punishment'. But if he were to decide that a doll was impure, they had to be broken. He would smash their faces with a silver hammer.

He recounted Akira's months of horror to Ruki in great detail, causing his mind to go into shock, all he could think about was the pain his dear friend would have had to endure. He had not the strength to yell or hurt him, nor to even express his anger, he became unable to do anything. And in doing so, The Doll Maker took advantage of the beast's catatonic state. Ruki became that which his loving companion had become; A doll; eternally at the mercy of his psycotic Master, The Doll Maker.

Ruki came to face the same fate as his beloved childhood companion, trapped in the doll maker's snare he spent weeks within the man's 'doll house', tortured and tormented day in and day out. But finally, his mind and body broken, he was let free and spent days blindly trying to return to where he had made home; where his family, and his lover resided, if they still resided there that was. With no sense of the time he had spent in captivity, he returned with hope that those he cared for would somehow find him.

Ruki's sudden adoration and love for this man seems to run deeper than anything. Stockholm Syndrome - in which a hostage may fall in love with their captor. Almost forever at the side of Master Hayashi, Ruki's mind was slowly becoming as lost as the Master's himself.

After being looked after by Ruki, and occasionally Eien, Master Hayashi finally passed away, overdosing himself on painkillers while Ruki was briefly away from his side.