Hollywood Whore - I'm Sorry But The Party's Over

Time for another change! Two toned hair was sported once again, crimson and black sections, accompanied by duel hued eyes of red and natural white. Crimson stained hands were finally reverted back to their natural pale skin color, long nails protruding from fingertips. Lips were half painted black, ears still riddled with rings, studs and spikes. Full neck choker hid the black tattoos and scars from view, a low cut shirt showing off prominent collar bone, bondage pants finally worn once again, ending with your typical shit kicking boots with buckles and chains. Back to his pre-Master, pre-Eien self? Apparently so.

For I Am A Beast, And You Are Only A Man

Beast of godly proportions - Near nine feet on hindpaws, the muscular frame was covered in a pelt of pitch black. Eyes would change depending on the creatures mood, from their natural white, to a bright yellow or crimson red. Jawline was ripped open to form a permanent half smile upon the werewolf's maw, adding to the already intimidating look of the disturbed beast.