Name: Takanori Anashi Suzuki
Alias(es): Ruki, Ru, Ru-Ru, Taka, Dog-Breath (Eien), Yume-chan (The Doll Maker),  Doggy-kun (Duckeh), Mutt (Razor - Also used by Khumar)
Age: 22 
Apparent age: 22
Sex: Male
Birthdate: October 24
Sexual Preference: Homosexual
Marital Status: How about no?
Significant Other: See Above ^
Species: Werewolf
Breed/Nationality: Japanese
Enslaved By: Free
Drug Tester - Employed by Saint Jimmy.
Hair Color: Crimson & Black
Skin: Pale
Eye Color: White & Red
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 42kgs
Build: Small, skinny, hint of muscles coming back
Likes: Smoking, drinking, drugs, cute boys, men, humans, drug-users, werewolves, sex, needles, blood, pain, chocolate covered dog biscuits, fighting,
Dislikes: (most) vampires, werewolf hunters, happy people, commitment, affection (with some exceptions),  woman who try to get into his pants, rehab, Severing, Eien (at times), Zero
Distinguishing Marks: Black tattoos on his throat. Dull, long healed scars scattered all over his body. Trio of deep slash marks over his left eye, large Japanese character carved into his chest, pins embedded around eyes. Left side of mouth ripped open, fresh self inflicted wounds.-  Tattoo of 'E. R' in flourishing script on left hip bone, Japanese Kanji for 'Forever' Beneath it (Cut off in a fit of depression) (See updates page for reference)
Peircings: 7 left ear, 6 right
Personality: Back to his normal self. Drinking, fighting, smoking, indulging in all that is illegal. Ego-centric and obnoxious.
Physical Health: Alive
Mental Health: Going down the drain
Other: Ruki is a 
heavy bi-polar. This means that he has extreme fluxuations in mood. He has also been declared 'criminally insane'. His mind works differently then most people. An extreme sadomasochist with some paranoia problems.